Friday 10 December 2010

Wednesday 1st December 2010 - Birmingham

Gig number 3 and a huge milestone... Surviving tiredness so soon after being ill. No matter what anyone tells you, this is fun! Seriously!

Dayum, I am tired and I am sure the words "whyyyyyyyy?" Actually fall from my lips at some point along with a childish cry for my mommy. All as I struggle to keep my eyes open. Oh well, time to go...

Driving out of London (or trying anyway) turns into an absolute farce. Each of us nodding off and waking up with a girly scream as we realise we are just a little too close to the car in front of us. Tell the truth, I'm a little bit scared but carry on regardless (the things we do for this band!)

The 4 of us (Lisa, Pie, Alex and I) are in for the long journey and to be honest, I wasn't always 100% sure we'd all make it out alive... Dicey could explain some parts of that journey. Thank goodness for pro plus and red bull keeping us awake! (Drink responsibly kids)

Seriously dude Hahaha

Dude hehe

Totally *snigger*

Seriously. Arghhhhhh stop saying that!!!!

This pretty much explains much of a long car ride. Well that and a few hours of laughing like Beavis and Butthead and just generally talking nonsense. There is nothing quite like hilarity mixed with sleep deprivation on the road... It's the best!

Get to the venue and OMG it's blooming freezing. Brrrrr!!! Much colder than London (maybe because we are outside this time) and it is also snowing. Alex is working as a 'freak' tonight and Pie is with a few other friends so for now it's just Lisa and I standing around the side entrance (along with a few others crazy like us)

As we stand inside our sleeping bags trying to get warm, we find it isn't going to be that easy. We could sit down but the ground is wet and icy... Ewwww wet bum. DO NOT WANT!
All I can say is God bless the wonderful people this band has introduced me to; Clare, you rock. Thanks for the lovely hot tea <3

Woooot. It's doors time again. This is always a highlight of the long days. Knowing that the cold wait is over and the squashing begins. It's a time for layers of clothes being ripped off as we struggle with the heat we longed for only a few moments before... It's awesome. Barrier again you ask... 'Yes' I shall reply.

Funeral Party - Still a song about New York and I don't really catch much else. I just dance instead and try to avert my eyes from the thing that keeps staring at all of us (Lisa and Tanya know exactly what I mean)

Enter Shikari - Destabalize, Sorry you're not a Winner and Juggernauts... I hate that this band are beginning to grow on me to the point I know the name of their songs Grrrrr

30 Seconds to Mars - Setlist:Escape
Night of the Hunter
A Beautiful Lie
Search and Destroy
Vox Populi
This is War + 100 Suns
Closer to the Edge
Capricorn (Acoustic)
Echelon (Acoustic)
From Yesterday (Acoustic)
Bad Romance (Acoustic)
The Kill
The Fantasy
Kings + Queens

Yet another fantastic show. In fact it was so insane that I think I damaged my neck from all the head banging haha.

I actually find it so amazing just how old you can feel when you come out of a concert like this: Sore back, sore neck, sore legs, sore arms: in fact it pretty much hurts all over… ouch becomes your favourite word for a while. God bless tiger balm though or I'd never survive the night.

Onwards to a Braxton Acoustic performance outside the venue and also to find Lisa so we can get back to the hotel as we have a very early rise in the morning again but this time for a flight (Lisa to Aberdeen and Glasgow for me to pick up my hire car and drive home for hopefully some sleep before setting off for Aberdeen).

With some hugs and laughs with some awesome people (Claire, Karina, Tanya, Alex etc etc) Lisa and I head off on a very brief journey to the hotel.

Holy crap, its 3am… where the hell does the time go? Bed for a whole 1 hour, this is awe… ZZzzzzzz

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