Wednesday 15 December 2010

Friday 3rd December 2010 - Aberdeen

Blerrrgh... What day is it?
Where am I?
What happened?
Crap, I think hell has finally frozen over.

Wait... Who saved the cat???

All perfectly valid questions and statements that go through your disorientated and sleep deprived mind as you travel along an icy, snow surrounded motorway at stupid o'clock in the morning. The comforting thing about it all is looking around at the other 4 people you have with you and knowing that if you're in hell, you at least have cool company. I think hell could be a bitch if you're by yourself.

The road to Aberdeen is a long one on a regular, Scottish day (with or without rain incase you smart asses feel like making a comment about our over-eager wet weather system) but when you have ice, jack knifed lorries, vans plunged in trees and snow, you can pretty much double your travel time. Thank goodness for music and strange people much like myself (hehe sorry girls)

At the halfway mark (3 hours), we change drivers (wooot I'm in control), CD in, Music up loud and set off on the final leg of the adventure. It's surprisingly fun and not as stressful as one would imagine.

Finally we arrive and see that there really isn't that many people there already. Could be the minus temperatures or could just be because Aberdeen is on the ass end of nowhere in weather like this, especially for a concert of this magnitude.

Gosh, I am so tired and whilst people queue and banter, I grab a quick 30 minutes sleep in the car which really isn't that bad. Somehow after the huge amount of sleep, I still need more and therefore I grab an extra 20 minutes. Of course, it's not restful but it rejuvenates me enough to stay alive a little longer. It's actually the staying in the warm car that helps me more.

Upon putting on my Mars makeup and re-joining the queue, I realise that Artur has been standing in the cold a long time in order to keep our place. So I make a trip to fetch us all some yummy Hot Chocolate and then I take the place in the queue while he warms a little in the car before the concert.

Finally, on time for the first time in a while, the doors open on time much to the relief of hundreds of frozen icicles standing waiting to get in. Ruuuuuuun... Barrier, Tomo's side tonight. This venue is standing only, there are no seats to be found. I love it!

So here we are again, and so it begins:

Funeral Party - New York and a dancing thing with 1 eye (I feel we should really know each other better before I watch that thing dancing)

Enter Shikari - Solidarity
Destabilize ('We don't belong here')
Gap in the Fence
Sorry you're not a winner
Yes I managed to get sucked in and even learn some words. I also managed to get a setlist from the stage, courtesy of a very nice security person. Setlist gifted to Craig (we originally met whilst standing outside the Glasgow Barrowlands for the Jimmy Eat World concert) for being so nice and offering to get my Merch for me and for being a massive fan.

At 9.03pm the lights go down and the crowd go nuts. Scotland flags galore as the men from Mars take the stage.

30 Seconds to Mars Setlist:
Night of the Hunter
A Beautiful Lie
Search + Destroy
Vox Populi
This is War + 100 Suns
Closer to the Edge
From Yesterday (Acoustic)
Alibi (Acoustic)
Bad Romance (Acoustic)
The Kill
The Fantasy
ON STAGE:Kings and Queens
(Took Jared's setlist from the floor and got a guitar pick given to me)

Aberdeen has been one of my favourite ever. Many things come into play to make it so: The doubt over whether or not we'd even get here, whether the band would get here, whether the venue would cancel it for safety reasons, would my friends plane get here and so many other things. And because everything worked out, I have enjoyed it so much more than I could have thought possible... Plus it's in Scotland, my favourite place in the world.

Not much hanging around as there is a new, treacherous journey to be made. The road to Manchester will be laden with many dangers... Sleepiness being one of them.

See you there

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