Monday 13 December 2010

The inbetweeners

1 hour or so for sleep and Lisa and I are back up, ready and on our merry way to the airport to catch our flights that will begin the next steps in our separate journey that will subsequently lead us to the same place... Aberdeen. For the next Marsian instalment. (With all these mars' I'm gonna need a dentist hehe okay okay, bad joke)

Pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast Mmmmmm.

Uh oh! A propeller plane to take me home? Yup I'm gonna die! (Okay so I have a tendency to over react in this situation) Well the plane seemed okay and I certainly am tired enough to sleep throughout the flight if it's not too rough... I enter the cabin and holy freezerburn Batman! It's -10C in here and with leather seats, that is not comfortable in the slightest. Oh well... I fold my arms and with that I pass out... Narcolepsy stylee.

"Arghhhh what the hell was that?" Oh right, the plane just landed... Phew! No no, I'm not being dramatic at all

Pick up the car keys and head straight to the Starbucks counter... Venti English Breakfast with loads of sugar. This is what will keep me alive that little bit longer. Then to the car... Its absolutely covered in snow *sigh*

After a rocky drive to my town and even after managing to deal with the crazy weather I have to abandon the hire car a few streets away as my street is unreachable *sad faces* So home I go, tea and a short rest before rescuing the car and abandoning it on another street... This is just a pain.

I find out Lisa's flight didn't land in Aberdeen today and it took her back to Birmingham. Thank goodness for the wonderful Claire and Karina coming to the rescue (love you girls)

No sleep for me I guess as I see it's time to go pick up my girls (Stefanie, Renee and Linda) from the airport. Let's just hope and pray that their flight actually lands after everything that has happened today




If you understood all of that then you spend way too much time online (like I do)

Yay, the girls arrive and to my home we go. Much chatter, some tea and lots of moving stuff around later, we sleep. Not for long, just a mere 2 hours and up we rise to begin the next journey for all of us. Well, no-one said the Mars life was restful

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