Friday 31 December 2010

2010 - The Year of Mars

What an incredible year it has been. It has been dominated by a band and because of this band I have had a dreamy year indeed including (but not limited to):

Travelling twice around the UK, Holland, Sweden and Poland where I have been camping (not something I love) and all of the travel stress has been worth it.

Dancing on stage in front of a crowd of thousands in Brighton, Aberdeen and most importantly in my home of Glasgow. Now that was some sight to behold and not something that will be forgotten easily.

Having grown to love so many other bands music either having seen them as support, at a festival or because they are involved in the Mars bubble.

Most importantly, I have had the privilege, nay the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful people that I call friends and family. Each of them special in their own way and to them all I say thanks for being so awesome (just like me):

Steefie, Spork, Plushie and Linda - My lovely Dutch crazies: Squishes and love <3

Hilde, Alyssa and Martin - My Norwegian hotties: Hope to see you again soon, Love you <3 Oh and hugs to Bob Jonny and Mrs March hare too Martin. I hope you're bringing them in March

Lisa, Tanya, Smudgey, William and Pie - My foreign travel buddies: Thanks for the laughs, the sleepless nights, the insane conversations, the drinks, the cabbages, the kebobs and the near death experiences. Lisa- Seriously? and Tanya... OOT!!! Love you all <3

Chloe, Sian and Leeanne (Tanya again too) - my fellow freaks: You guys are freaking awesome and I love you all <3

Special mentions to: Artur, Lonnie, Clau, Niamh, Kila, Karina, Claire, Debbie, Sue, Nic and my gorgeous, talented and very inspiring Kati and Lola: Thank you for being a friend and for being the amazing people you are. Love from me to you xxxxxx

And to everyone else who I have met and spent time with. You have each made me believe in people, in life and in love and for that I will eternally grateful.

I wish everyone a very happy New Year and a prosperous and richly fulfilling 2011. I hope to see you all soon

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Monday 6th December - Was it a Dream?

"Was it a dream?
Was it a dream?
Is this the only evidence that proves it
A photograph of you and I?"
(30 Seconds to Mars)

Isn't that just the perfect opening lyrics? I think it is exactly how I felt upon waking up. Those who have been there following the same path will all know exactly that feeling when the first post-tour Monday morning arrives and brings harsh reality along for the ride, there really isn't any other question that storms the brain so suddenly. It doesn't even demand an answer because no answer will be sweet relief enough to pacify you and get you through the painful cold turkey withdrawal that is tour end.

I'll tell you my solution so far... More concerts. I have my first 5 of 2011 planned and I'm sure they won't be the only ones. I think I have set a precedent by attending over 20 this year... Will less ever be enough again? But I know it's not realistically a proper solution so what do we do? How do we get past it? If you figure that out, be sure and let us all know. It could make you famous you know

Friday 17 December 2010

Saturday 4th December 2010 - Manchester

Whoa! I cannot believe that it is THAT time already. 2 hours of sleep on my lovely sofa. It's time to go now but I can't will myself out of the sleepy position not even for tea... Meh!

Okay, up and about and dressed and out and don't we all; Stefanie, Renee, Artur, Linda and myself; just look really awake and rested.

Driving today is a total bitch, I'm cranky and there is winter sunshine bouncing off of every available snowflake and directly into my eyes... I can't see so we have to change drivers.

After a food stop and buying sunglasses (yes we sell them in Scotland but to have them in the winter? Who knew) I am able to drive some, that's much better for me. I'm not a fan of being driven... I'm OCD girl, I like things as I like them. And when it comes to being a passenger... I'm bad at it hehe. It makes me uneasy.

Manchester! We arrive, later than planned but we made it. Hostel check in, get dressed in gig type things, make up on and off we go.

Holy crowd control batman... The queue is massive. So erm yeah, what's this little queue here?
As we join the little queue, about 100 or so other people join behind us and then even more after that... Ooops hehe
Within 10 minutes of queuing we are inside. Clever? YES!

Shannon's side, not barrier but spacious (for the moment) all 5 of us together. We devise a plan... When the crowd move during the support and go into mosh-mode, we push forward. Let's just see what happens...

Funeral Party - Still have no clue what the name of the songs are but I am beginning to like them. (We sneak forward a few inches)

Enter Shikari - same setlist as in Aberdeen, just perhaps a few songs in a different order. (I will be downloading the setlist tracks when I get home to see if I still like them or if its only a tour thing)

Mosh-mode and Puuuuuuush
Holy crap, I'm in the pit and we've lost 2 people... Puuuuush... Holy crap, I'm in another pit, ouch, OMG, puuuuuush... Okay slightly outside of the pit but hell, I'm seriously squashed...
Okay surely I can deal, I've had worse (Koko last November and Wembley in February for example) So I try to just tune it all out and concentrate on the music.

30 Seconds to Mars Setlist:
Night of the Hunter
A Beautiful Lie
Search + Destroy
Vox Populi
This is War + 100 Suns
From Yesterday (Acoustic)
Alibi (Acoustic)
Bad Romance (Acoustic)
The Kill (Part Acoustic)
The Fantasy
Kings and Queens

Well that was one for the memories. All in all, ending up 2 rows from barrier behind Lisa, Sian, Karina and Claire (who btw, were dressed up in the leather bunny outfits from the Hurricane video... Cool, I know)

So many people I know and have been waiting ages to see again at this show. Manchester is always a great location for reunions. Best of all, I get Hilde hugs here yay.

Reluctant to leave and say goodbye to everyone. It's the last show now in the UK for a while and don't know when we will all meet again but we need sleep and I have a drive home to Glasgow tomorrow to survive.

Stefanie, Renee, Linda, Artur and I travel to our hostel and after Tanya arrives we all head off to bed. Of course, it wouldn't be the same if there wasn't some stupidity and hilarity before sleep. That occupies an hour or so before I finally fall from consciousness into a coma-state.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Friday 3rd December 2010 - Aberdeen

Blerrrgh... What day is it?
Where am I?
What happened?
Crap, I think hell has finally frozen over.

Wait... Who saved the cat???

All perfectly valid questions and statements that go through your disorientated and sleep deprived mind as you travel along an icy, snow surrounded motorway at stupid o'clock in the morning. The comforting thing about it all is looking around at the other 4 people you have with you and knowing that if you're in hell, you at least have cool company. I think hell could be a bitch if you're by yourself.

The road to Aberdeen is a long one on a regular, Scottish day (with or without rain incase you smart asses feel like making a comment about our over-eager wet weather system) but when you have ice, jack knifed lorries, vans plunged in trees and snow, you can pretty much double your travel time. Thank goodness for music and strange people much like myself (hehe sorry girls)

At the halfway mark (3 hours), we change drivers (wooot I'm in control), CD in, Music up loud and set off on the final leg of the adventure. It's surprisingly fun and not as stressful as one would imagine.

Finally we arrive and see that there really isn't that many people there already. Could be the minus temperatures or could just be because Aberdeen is on the ass end of nowhere in weather like this, especially for a concert of this magnitude.

Gosh, I am so tired and whilst people queue and banter, I grab a quick 30 minutes sleep in the car which really isn't that bad. Somehow after the huge amount of sleep, I still need more and therefore I grab an extra 20 minutes. Of course, it's not restful but it rejuvenates me enough to stay alive a little longer. It's actually the staying in the warm car that helps me more.

Upon putting on my Mars makeup and re-joining the queue, I realise that Artur has been standing in the cold a long time in order to keep our place. So I make a trip to fetch us all some yummy Hot Chocolate and then I take the place in the queue while he warms a little in the car before the concert.

Finally, on time for the first time in a while, the doors open on time much to the relief of hundreds of frozen icicles standing waiting to get in. Ruuuuuuun... Barrier, Tomo's side tonight. This venue is standing only, there are no seats to be found. I love it!

So here we are again, and so it begins:

Funeral Party - New York and a dancing thing with 1 eye (I feel we should really know each other better before I watch that thing dancing)

Enter Shikari - Solidarity
Destabilize ('We don't belong here')
Gap in the Fence
Sorry you're not a winner
Yes I managed to get sucked in and even learn some words. I also managed to get a setlist from the stage, courtesy of a very nice security person. Setlist gifted to Craig (we originally met whilst standing outside the Glasgow Barrowlands for the Jimmy Eat World concert) for being so nice and offering to get my Merch for me and for being a massive fan.

At 9.03pm the lights go down and the crowd go nuts. Scotland flags galore as the men from Mars take the stage.

30 Seconds to Mars Setlist:
Night of the Hunter
A Beautiful Lie
Search + Destroy
Vox Populi
This is War + 100 Suns
Closer to the Edge
From Yesterday (Acoustic)
Alibi (Acoustic)
Bad Romance (Acoustic)
The Kill
The Fantasy
ON STAGE:Kings and Queens
(Took Jared's setlist from the floor and got a guitar pick given to me)

Aberdeen has been one of my favourite ever. Many things come into play to make it so: The doubt over whether or not we'd even get here, whether the band would get here, whether the venue would cancel it for safety reasons, would my friends plane get here and so many other things. And because everything worked out, I have enjoyed it so much more than I could have thought possible... Plus it's in Scotland, my favourite place in the world.

Not much hanging around as there is a new, treacherous journey to be made. The road to Manchester will be laden with many dangers... Sleepiness being one of them.

See you there

Monday 13 December 2010

The inbetweeners

1 hour or so for sleep and Lisa and I are back up, ready and on our merry way to the airport to catch our flights that will begin the next steps in our separate journey that will subsequently lead us to the same place... Aberdeen. For the next Marsian instalment. (With all these mars' I'm gonna need a dentist hehe okay okay, bad joke)

Pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast Mmmmmm.

Uh oh! A propeller plane to take me home? Yup I'm gonna die! (Okay so I have a tendency to over react in this situation) Well the plane seemed okay and I certainly am tired enough to sleep throughout the flight if it's not too rough... I enter the cabin and holy freezerburn Batman! It's -10C in here and with leather seats, that is not comfortable in the slightest. Oh well... I fold my arms and with that I pass out... Narcolepsy stylee.

"Arghhhh what the hell was that?" Oh right, the plane just landed... Phew! No no, I'm not being dramatic at all

Pick up the car keys and head straight to the Starbucks counter... Venti English Breakfast with loads of sugar. This is what will keep me alive that little bit longer. Then to the car... Its absolutely covered in snow *sigh*

After a rocky drive to my town and even after managing to deal with the crazy weather I have to abandon the hire car a few streets away as my street is unreachable *sad faces* So home I go, tea and a short rest before rescuing the car and abandoning it on another street... This is just a pain.

I find out Lisa's flight didn't land in Aberdeen today and it took her back to Birmingham. Thank goodness for the wonderful Claire and Karina coming to the rescue (love you girls)

No sleep for me I guess as I see it's time to go pick up my girls (Stefanie, Renee and Linda) from the airport. Let's just hope and pray that their flight actually lands after everything that has happened today




If you understood all of that then you spend way too much time online (like I do)

Yay, the girls arrive and to my home we go. Much chatter, some tea and lots of moving stuff around later, we sleep. Not for long, just a mere 2 hours and up we rise to begin the next journey for all of us. Well, no-one said the Mars life was restful

Friday 10 December 2010

Wednesday 1st December 2010 - Birmingham

Gig number 3 and a huge milestone... Surviving tiredness so soon after being ill. No matter what anyone tells you, this is fun! Seriously!

Dayum, I am tired and I am sure the words "whyyyyyyyy?" Actually fall from my lips at some point along with a childish cry for my mommy. All as I struggle to keep my eyes open. Oh well, time to go...

Driving out of London (or trying anyway) turns into an absolute farce. Each of us nodding off and waking up with a girly scream as we realise we are just a little too close to the car in front of us. Tell the truth, I'm a little bit scared but carry on regardless (the things we do for this band!)

The 4 of us (Lisa, Pie, Alex and I) are in for the long journey and to be honest, I wasn't always 100% sure we'd all make it out alive... Dicey could explain some parts of that journey. Thank goodness for pro plus and red bull keeping us awake! (Drink responsibly kids)

Seriously dude Hahaha

Dude hehe

Totally *snigger*

Seriously. Arghhhhhh stop saying that!!!!

This pretty much explains much of a long car ride. Well that and a few hours of laughing like Beavis and Butthead and just generally talking nonsense. There is nothing quite like hilarity mixed with sleep deprivation on the road... It's the best!

Get to the venue and OMG it's blooming freezing. Brrrrr!!! Much colder than London (maybe because we are outside this time) and it is also snowing. Alex is working as a 'freak' tonight and Pie is with a few other friends so for now it's just Lisa and I standing around the side entrance (along with a few others crazy like us)

As we stand inside our sleeping bags trying to get warm, we find it isn't going to be that easy. We could sit down but the ground is wet and icy... Ewwww wet bum. DO NOT WANT!
All I can say is God bless the wonderful people this band has introduced me to; Clare, you rock. Thanks for the lovely hot tea <3

Woooot. It's doors time again. This is always a highlight of the long days. Knowing that the cold wait is over and the squashing begins. It's a time for layers of clothes being ripped off as we struggle with the heat we longed for only a few moments before... It's awesome. Barrier again you ask... 'Yes' I shall reply.

Funeral Party - Still a song about New York and I don't really catch much else. I just dance instead and try to avert my eyes from the thing that keeps staring at all of us (Lisa and Tanya know exactly what I mean)

Enter Shikari - Destabalize, Sorry you're not a Winner and Juggernauts... I hate that this band are beginning to grow on me to the point I know the name of their songs Grrrrr

30 Seconds to Mars - Setlist:Escape
Night of the Hunter
A Beautiful Lie
Search and Destroy
Vox Populi
This is War + 100 Suns
Closer to the Edge
Capricorn (Acoustic)
Echelon (Acoustic)
From Yesterday (Acoustic)
Bad Romance (Acoustic)
The Kill
The Fantasy
Kings + Queens

Yet another fantastic show. In fact it was so insane that I think I damaged my neck from all the head banging haha.

I actually find it so amazing just how old you can feel when you come out of a concert like this: Sore back, sore neck, sore legs, sore arms: in fact it pretty much hurts all over… ouch becomes your favourite word for a while. God bless tiger balm though or I'd never survive the night.

Onwards to a Braxton Acoustic performance outside the venue and also to find Lisa so we can get back to the hotel as we have a very early rise in the morning again but this time for a flight (Lisa to Aberdeen and Glasgow for me to pick up my hire car and drive home for hopefully some sleep before setting off for Aberdeen).

With some hugs and laughs with some awesome people (Claire, Karina, Tanya, Alex etc etc) Lisa and I head off on a very brief journey to the hotel.

Holy crap, its 3am… where the hell does the time go? Bed for a whole 1 hour, this is awe… ZZzzzzzz

Thursday 9 December 2010

Tuesday 30th November 2010 - London, O2 Arena


2 hours sleep and Lisa, Pie, Chloe and I are awake again... It is 4am *major sad face* tiredness does funny things to you.

Up, dressed and sneak out of the hotel like cat burglers in the night (unsure if we managed to NOT wake everyone) and off we trot into the snow. Walking the cold, dark streets of Brighton, trying to find the carpark is definitely not how I imagined the start of my day and especially not at 5am.

All 4 of us loaded into a very oddly named car (snot) and off we go on our morning drive to London's O2 in the hope we get there in time to be numbered (kind of like cattle).

Brrr it's cold here in London (even for someone from Scotland) could be the lack of sleep and there is even a dusting of snow. Not enough to disrupt a flower, nevermind a city, but somehow it manages to cause delays to the metro... Strange.

Park the car at a sainsbury's and a short bus journey with Miki leading the way and we arrive at the O2... Not bad. It is actually an impressive venue to look at. I'm sure the inside looks equally amazing.

Numbered wristbands on and into starbucks we go. Venti English Breakfast... Nom nom nom and 30 minutes later, we walk round to the entrance where we shall spend the next 8 or so hours getting acquainted with a cold, hard floor. There are already a few people there, not many though... Phew!

Lisa and I leave everyone and take a journey back to the car for the sleeping bags and blankets and when we get back, starbucks and time to once again settle down for a while on the cold, cold venue concourse floor. This is beginning to feel a lot more comfortable than it should... I've been doing this way too long now.

Hours have passed and suddenly it's time. Everybody is up, standing and anxious. How convenient we were numbered because now we are lined up like cattle. It almost looks like we are ready to be sold or culled... Not sure I'd prefer either one of those.

Doors open... Ruuuuuun without running of course (not as hard as you'd think, just takes practise and the blood of an african cat) now guess where I am... Barrier of course!
It begins:

Funeral Party - la la la and a song about New York

Enter Shikari - Destabalize, Juggernauts and other songs I have difficulty remembering.

The lights go down and there is the distinct sound of Monks and Wham!
The Hurricane video (censored) kicks in. We all watch with eyes glued to the O2's big screens. Motorbikes, rabbits, gimps, naked flesh and SMACK... Jared goes down and into a coffin... NICE! More fighting, running and moderate porn and all is well... Pretty good video really! (Not a patch on the AWOL This is War video I'm sure)

Everyone is screaming their heads off with the expectation that the band will appear on stage at the end of the video... Lights come up, nothing! Hundreds of girls look confused and a little teary eyed.
10 minutes and lights go down... It's here!

Mars Setlist:
Night Of The Hunter
A Beautiful Lie
Search and Destroy
Vox Populi
This is War + 100 Suns
Closer to the Edge
From Yesterday (Acoustic)
Alibi (Acoustic)
[Typical Jared Chit Chat]
Bad Romance (Acoustic)
The Kill (part acoustic)
The Fantasy
Kings and Queens

Wow, the O2 totally kicked ass! How impressive it looked with all the phone lights. It must have been beautiful from the stage.

What to say that follows the O2? And that explains just how good that was... Epic? Hahaha no! That word doesn't mean anything to the masses. More like outstanding, insane and absolutely carnivorous. (Yup, I have no idea what that means when it comes to a concert but it works in my head and therefore here... Deal with it!)

Off now to find the hotel, only a 20 minute drive and oh dear, doesn't look like much sleep again. Lisa leaves to drive a few others home and I wait up for here to make sure she gets into the room.

2 hours later and only 20minutes of dozing off and I'm worried about Lisa, she hasn't returned. Blackberry message, tweets... Nothing. Suddenly a phone call, she's outside.

So after getting ready again, picking up Alex and manoeuvring our way through the streets of London, off we all go on our way to Birmingham. This lack of sleep is becoming a habit and also slightly ridiculous. Lisa had none and I had 20 minutes and we're the ones in control (Lisa at the wheel and I at the Sat Nav hehe) *yawns*

See you in Birmingham